Retirement Planning
When planning for lifetime income sufficiency, your retirement cash needs, living expenses, investment income, and monthly cash inflows all form the critical pieces of a very intricate retirement financial puzzle. All those pieces must fit tightly together in a well-coordinated plan to ensure the sustainability of sufficient monthly cash withdrawals over your lifetime.
As the first all-important component of the LFG Retirement Wealth Management SystemSM, your retirement financial plan becomes the blueprint that guides all financial and investment decisions, to ensure the optimal use of your resources. Our highly experienced, credentialed team of advisors employs the following innovative planning process in developing a plan tailored completely to your specific needs, goals, and circumstances:
- Discover — Obtain pertinent financial information through a client questionnaire, personal interviews, key financial documents, and a full review of recent tax returns
- Analyze — Using leading-edge planning software, prepare financial projections and analyze probabilities of achieving retirement goals under various scenarios
- Finalize — Through a series of client meetings, revise financial projections as needed, develop the blueprint, make initial investment portfolio decisions, and finalize the plan
- Execute — Implement the financial and investment decisions made in connection with the final plan, including establishing investment accounts and constructing the investment portfolio
- Monitor and Modify — Your plan and investment portfolio are constantly monitored, and through biannual client meetings and regular communications, they are modified as needed based on changing circumstances.